is a group of dedicated Christians on a mission to spread the Light of Christ to all who value truth.

Light of Christ Fellowship

man in black vest and black dress pants standing beside white wooden door
man in black vest and black dress pants standing beside white wooden door


is our primary focus. We will facilitate activities and provide care where it is most needed, especially the seniors of our community.

man in green polo shirt holding woman in white floral sleeveless dress
man in green polo shirt holding woman in white floral sleeveless dress

Group Activities

are a great way to stay engaged, be encouraged and encourage others. There's no substitute for face to face gatherings, so don't hide your light under a bushel, get out there and make a difference. Your life does matter, so be an example that inspires!

Our Beliefs

and principles form the foundation of what binds those in this ministry together. Above all, our actions and deeds which begin with our thoughts and intentions must always be based in genuine love and truth.

Join us, and together, we will overcome the fear, darkness and lies that hide our true potential!

Thank you for your interest and stopping by. Please note, that we are just getting started, and this website is currently under construction.

To stay abreast of our activities and our progress, sign up to our email list below. We highly value privacy and will never sell or give your email to anyone. You can opt-out at any time, just talk to us either online or in person.